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How (and Why) Revenue Support Is Linked to Homeowner Support and Vice Versa?

Building a strong organizational relationship between homeowner management and revenue management is critical for future property management success. Revenue managers...
Revenue Management Technology Tech Execs

Revenue Management Technology: What Functionality Is Still Missing? Revenue Managers Sit Down with Tech Execs to Influence Future Road Map

After seeing all the new features and functionality in data and revenue management technology, what is still missing? In this...
Whats changing in the OTA Distribution Landscape - Vacasa

What Is Changing in the OTA/Distribution Landscape?

After hearing from both Airbnb and Vrbo, this panel will discuss the changes they have seen in the channels over...
5 Data-Driven Strategies

5 Data-Driven Strategies to Power Your Email Marketing

Now more than ever, rental managers are required to keep a watchful eye on market trends and be willing to...
Long-term Value Building for Execs - Wells Fargo

Long-Term Value Building for Executives: Building Value in Your Business to Accomplish Long-Term Goals and Exit Strategies

You are busy building your business, but are you building the value of your business? Understanding the fundamentals of business...
Employee Retention and Recruiting

Employee Recruiting and Retention: Building–and Keeping–a Winning Team

The leading vacation rental companies have one thing in common, they have the best teams. In this session, you will...
Truth About Scale

The Truth about Scale: An In-Depth Look at Which Components of a STR Business Benefit from Scale

With over 3,000 properties under management and 25 office locations between the US and Mexico, Casago continues to develop the...
Comp-Based Pricing Algorithms - Tim Speicher

Comp-Based Pricing Algorithms

In this session, Buoy CEO Tim Speicher will present the results of a case study where he tested a comp-based...
portfolio-level rev management - wheelhouse

Portfolio-Level Revenue Management: The Pickup Approach

Drawing on his experience building a team of 10 revenue managers and growing a portfolio of 125 rentals to over...

2021 State of the Industry with Key Data’s Melanie Brown