Building a 2022 Revenue Optimization Team: What Does the Org Chart Look Like for a High-Performing Team (Sales, Marketing, Distribution, and Revenue Management)

Whether big or small, how are your sales, distribution, revenue, and marketing efforts working together? Revenue in general is always a top line goal and KPI for companies. In this panel we will have industry experts discussing how these four areas collaborate together successfully in order to reach top-line revenue goals/KPI’s.

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Getting Your Entire Team on Board for Direct Bookings

Doug Kennedy will show us how to secure more direct bookings via textual selling, in-platform messaging (on OTA’s) and via every guest/staff conversation. Participants in this session will walk away with a list of specific training tips to help their companies secure more direct bookings and reduce their reliance on costly third-party channels that can…

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Building Repeat Business: Converting Guests into Repeat Customers

Looking ahead to what could be a highly competitive 2022, having confirmed reservations on the books is worth gold. What are PMs doing to increase repeat business, and how are they converting OTA travelers into loyal guests? Tyann, David, and Matt will lead this discussion on building repeat business and will talk about tech ideas…

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How to Hold a Revenue Strategy Meeting

Richer Logic’s Heather Richer will discuss how to construct an effective agenda for a revenue strategy meeting, including who should be there, what KPIs are monitored, how revenue managers are being held accountable, and how marketing and data teams fit in. Whether your team is in house or outsourced, holding regular and effective meetings will…

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Gold in Plain Sight: Email Marketing Strategies to Grow Revenue

With inventory filling fast this year, too many email marketing strategies got put on the backburner. Covering tactics around automation, crafting personalized messages, and more, learn how your email strategy is key to building guest loyalty, keeping units filled, homeowners happy, and getting the most revenue per booking.

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Building Competitive Sets: Developing Comp Sets and Tools Available

Building competitive sets, aka comp sets, is challenging but necessary in building rate strategies. After last year’s DARM Conference, we realized that revenue managers were in need of a tool for comp sets. As a result, AirDNA and Key Data set out to help. In this panel, revenue managers will meet up with comp-set tool…

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The Theory of Limited Edition 2.0: Leveraging the Things that Do Not Scale As Your Superpower to Growth and Happiness

Matt Landau believes every independent vacation rental manager is sitting on a goldmine of unique selling attributes that differentiate from bigger, richer, flashier competition. But that without some very intentional sculpting of these attributes those same managers can easily slip into a commodity price race to the bottom. After several years on the road documenting…

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Optimizing Listings and Pricing on Airbnb

Airbnb will join a panel of revenue managers to discuss how VRMs can optimize their listings on Airbnb and will answer questions about how to execute the latest strategies and maximize and monitor performance.

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