Optimizing Listings and Pricing on Airbnb

Airbnb will join a panel of revenue managers to discuss how VRMs can optimize their listings on Airbnb and will answer questions about how to execute the latest strategies and maximize and monitor performance.

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Merchandise Properties and Maximize Bookings on Your Own Website

Across enterprise-level vacation rental management companies, over 50% of bookings are coming directly…not through third-party channels. Too often when looking at revenue management, we neglect our own websites. This panel will discuss how to merchandize property listings, optimize sort algorithms, display pricing and policies, use strike-through and urgency pricing, and maximize promotions on your own…

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2022 Forecasting: Predicting Revenue When Historical Performance Is Unreliable

Year-over-year (YOY) data sets are unreliable in today’s current environment. In addition, 2021 was an extraordinary year for many property managers. Looking ahead to rental projections and budgets in 2022, how can vacation rental managers predict revenue and set expectations for homeowners? We’ll discuss how companies are looking at the upcoming competitive environment and planning…

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Play Bigger: Tips & Tricks to Drive Direct Bookings

Not all clicks are created equal. Conversion is still king, but clicks at every stage of the guest journey are critical to overall direct booking success. We’ll explain how different channels drive clicks that boost overall traffic, and how implementing specific digital marketing tactics at each guest journey stage can dramatically improve your booking performance.…

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