How Search Engine Optimization (SEO) REALLY Works for the Vacation Rental Industry

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Session Description:

SEO is always referred to as a “dark art” due to its technical nature and the years of knowledge and experience required to master. For this reason, property managers often rely on outsourced SEO companies for prime placement in the search engines. The cold hard truth? Many SEO companies don’t focus on what really matters. Audits and scores from online tools don’t rank your site better, but the methods in this presentation do. Geared toward both beginner and advanced technical levels, Hanak will explain what’s important for search engines in the vacation rental sector and how to stop the wool from being pulled over your eyes from outside agencies. Join a twenty-year SEO veteran as he walks you through some eye-opening myths about the SEO game and what a property manager can keep an eye out for to make sure they are getting the best bang for their buck.

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